Tuesday, 26 April 2016



Hey, it's Sophie here. Being as this is my first blog post and I have no idea what to write about I've decided to put whoever is reading this through getting to know a bit about me (sorry I'm plain). 
The realization of what a boring person I am has hit as I cannot think of anything interesting about me but  I'll try. 

1. I live in South Wales and recently I've been starting to appreciate where I'm from and how being Welsh isn't so bad except dealing with the weather.
2. I'm 17 soon (July 12th) and I'm so so excited to finally being able to drive. I'm always the youngest so until I turn 18 I'm sadly behind everyone and always waiting until I can tag along and being treated more like an adult.
3. If you follow me on twitter or Instagram you can see that I am quite the fan girl, I'm low-key about it even though I prioritize social media and the people I've met on there a lot more than my education which I shouldn't but sorry not sorry about team internet.
4. Talking about education, I'm currently doing my Level 3 Health and Social Care diploma, with recent experiences and realizations I don't think I'm prepared to carry onto my second year of the course. I don't enjoy it and I don't want a job in that career path so who knows what I am going to do next after the year finishes.
5. Quick list of generic questions asked

  • Favourite colour? To look at, blue. To wear, black. 
  • Favourite animal? It's got to be a cat and a sloth, don't make me choose. 
  • Current favourite song? I have no clue, 5 seconds of summer and Don Broco are right on top of                         my recently played artists though! (Waste the Night just come on by 5sos it's lit)
  • Favourite movie? My all time favourite has got to be Breakfast at Tiffany's
  • Any siblings? I have an older sister and an younger brother
  • Have you got any pets? I have two dogs, Rio and Audrey (yes it's after Audrey Hepburn judge                                          me) and I have a cat called Mila, she's a beaut

6. I'm a vegetarian, yes I am one of those people that fight against animal testing etc. and yes I will still be a vegetarian if we go out for a meal or take a trip to KFC or McDonalds and you ask if I intend to eat meat today.
7. I like to think I am socially woke with topics that appear across social media talking about feminism (yes I'm an inter-sectional feminist), cultural appropriation and other topics like LGBT+ and people of colour lives matter. If you're reading this you're most probably educated on these topics too because you've most probably found my blog from twitter but it's so surprising how many people I know in person that are so uneducated in these things.
8. Something about my personality, I'm quite a confident person depending on the people I'm with. I think I've definitely matured in how I respond to situations and I'm very open to hearing both sides of every story. I can be quite quick and I will say what is on my mind if I know it's appropriate to say. I guess I can be funny at times and sociable, on my phone ha!
9. My favourite nickname I've been called was sloth (coincidence) but people just call me Soph or Sophie Jo, no clue why the 'Jo' is added.
10. I dont know what to say for my last fact so I'm just going to say that life is currently great and even though I'm ill and suffering I've had such an amazing weekend with these past concerts I've gone to. If you want me to talk about it maybe that could be my next blog post?

I hope you took interest into finding out a little bit about boring me and I'll talk soon, 

Love Soph,

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